Graduation was an amazing day with numerous emotions going back and forth from bad to good. It is a day that sums up and recognizes individuals that have spent an entire year or more devoted to becoming better people. Being a spectator was both exciting and mournful because I have been in these people’s lives for nine months and we helped each other out through thick and thin every step of the way. It is sad to see there journey end here at the program, but very rewarding to know that they have just started the journey of life.
Being in a program is one thing, and completing it is another. The year (or more) that the graduates spent here was a rollercoaster of ups and downs and it challenged their flaws and imperfections. Seeing each individual stand at the podium and pick up there certificate gave me goose-bumps and made me and extremely proud friend and peer.
-Ryan B.
Youth Foundation had their 2012 graduation on Friday the 14th. It was a day for celebration and emotion as the graduates reunited with their families and said good bye to their friends. The Youth Foundation girls’ choir sang some meaningful songs to wish the graduates good luck as they go forward into their lives, as well as some funny songs to get everyone in the Christmas mood. It was so amazing to see how far these graduates have come and how ready they are to start this new chapter in their lives. We all congratulate Nick L. Nicole G. Cara E. Amanda L. Cole F. Carlos T. for how much they have accomplished in such a short time and how much they have turned their lives around. They came to Youth Foundation as angry lost people trying to find their way, and they grew into beautiful, butterflies that are ready to spread their wings and fly. We all wish them the best and as the choir sung we ask them to “Take their candles and go light their worlds.” We will miss the graduates but they are now ready to start their lives and succeed.
-Sara G.
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