Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas 2012

The Youth Foundation program got together to celebrate Christmas by having a 12 days of Christmas with an activity for each day. For the first couple of days we were able to watch Christmas movies all together as a facility. We really got into the Christmas spirit when we decorated our review rooms with wrapping paper, streamers, yarn, and anything you wanted to draw and cut out. It was our time to be creative. Then we had the opportunity to compete in the best ginger bread house contest and then eat all of it after. The winning prize was a blizzard from Dairy Queen! Yum! The fifth day was a day where we all came together to have a big game night. We had bingo, card games, hang man, dancing, puzzles, and much more. Being able to listen to music and hang out felt like true fun. Starting to learn our Christmas carol was the next day. Each family in our facility received a different Christmas song that we had to learn and make a skit for. A few days after, we had to perform it in front of everyone and show off our voices and dance moves. Then we had a day where we all got to be in the gym and compete in volleyball and basketball tournaments. The teams were completely random so we were able to work together as a team with people we may not even know. It was real team work.  On the eighth day of Christmas was when we really got crafty. It was our arts and crafts day! There were different stations set up all around the seminar room. Stations with stickers, writing utensils, colored paper, and origami all gave us a huge amount of help with the Christmas cards we would be sending home to our family along with a picture of ourselves next to a beautiful Christmas tree. It was nice to be given the time to sit down and write something special to our families. On Christmas Eve was when the fun really came out. The gym was set up with music, face painting, chimney toss, donut on a string, chubby bunny, apple bobbing, and more! Everyone got in to groups and rotated throughout each station. Everywhere you looked was smiles and laughter, it was a wonderful thing to see everyone in the Christmas spirit! Waking up on Christmas day was what we had all been waiting for. We were able to sleep in until eight but of course everyone was up around six. Who can sleep on a night like that! After breakfast that day we went to our review room and sat in a huge circle and opened up our presents all together like one big family. There were tears of joy all around the room.  Seeing each person with gratefulness in their eyes was a beautiful sight. Everyone loved their presents and loved their family. It was the perfect day to lounge around in our Christmas pajamas and watch movies, which is exactly what we did. No one plans to be away from their family on Christmas, but it’s just one Christmas out of all the others ahead of you. It’s worth it. 
-Cassie S.

More Pictures from 12 Days of Christmas Activites

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