Friday, January 11, 2013

Boys Basketball - 01/05/2013

4 Game Winning Streak!!

Well before the game there was a lot of pressure to keep our winning streak going, so there wasn't really a bunch of communication. But as soon as we got on the court all of the pressure went away as we started to do what we do best, play as a team. There was no conflict between players just the will to win and do what we needed to do. With us doing that we quickly got to a 12 point lead and played hard the whole time. Now all we need to do is carry our momentum into our next game and bring home another big win for the BOBCATS!
-Todd B.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Years 2013

For New Years we had a dance. There were lights, strobe lights, music and of course dancing. It was a lot of fun. We did the cha cha slide, the Macarania,  and the wobble as a group. The rest was individual dancing and mingling. There was also a level 3 activity where we stayed up past midnight and watched the movie Abduction. We all did the count down and some girls ran around the gym to celebrate. Over all it was a lot of fun and it was just a great bonding experience for all of us.
-Avery L.

On December 31st we had a dance to celebrate New Years. Student council set up a projector screen and they played music and videos. It was a lot of fun and most students were having a good time dancing and having fun with their friends. The dance was a fun experience and a good opportunity for everyone to get to know each other and have a good time. There was a dance off between the boys and girls half way through the dance to the cha cha slide. The boys took a heavy loss but came back when the wobble wobble song came on. The dance was really fun over-all and student council made a point to play music for every taste so that everyone was having a good time.     
-Jose R. 

New Years was pretty exciting. We all got to have boxes of candy that our parents sent us. After getting our boxes we went to the gym to have a basketball tournament that mostly everyone participated in. Shortly after that, the Upper Status planned out a big dance party to celebrate the countdown to the new year. After that the level 3’s and up got to watch a movie until 12:00. For my first New Years in the program it was actually really fun. I really enjoyed helping out and having a good time.
-Sara G

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas 2012

The Youth Foundation program got together to celebrate Christmas by having a 12 days of Christmas with an activity for each day. For the first couple of days we were able to watch Christmas movies all together as a facility. We really got into the Christmas spirit when we decorated our review rooms with wrapping paper, streamers, yarn, and anything you wanted to draw and cut out. It was our time to be creative. Then we had the opportunity to compete in the best ginger bread house contest and then eat all of it after. The winning prize was a blizzard from Dairy Queen! Yum! The fifth day was a day where we all came together to have a big game night. We had bingo, card games, hang man, dancing, puzzles, and much more. Being able to listen to music and hang out felt like true fun. Starting to learn our Christmas carol was the next day. Each family in our facility received a different Christmas song that we had to learn and make a skit for. A few days after, we had to perform it in front of everyone and show off our voices and dance moves. Then we had a day where we all got to be in the gym and compete in volleyball and basketball tournaments. The teams were completely random so we were able to work together as a team with people we may not even know. It was real team work.  On the eighth day of Christmas was when we really got crafty. It was our arts and crafts day! There were different stations set up all around the seminar room. Stations with stickers, writing utensils, colored paper, and origami all gave us a huge amount of help with the Christmas cards we would be sending home to our family along with a picture of ourselves next to a beautiful Christmas tree. It was nice to be given the time to sit down and write something special to our families. On Christmas Eve was when the fun really came out. The gym was set up with music, face painting, chimney toss, donut on a string, chubby bunny, apple bobbing, and more! Everyone got in to groups and rotated throughout each station. Everywhere you looked was smiles and laughter, it was a wonderful thing to see everyone in the Christmas spirit! Waking up on Christmas day was what we had all been waiting for. We were able to sleep in until eight but of course everyone was up around six. Who can sleep on a night like that! After breakfast that day we went to our review room and sat in a huge circle and opened up our presents all together like one big family. There were tears of joy all around the room.  Seeing each person with gratefulness in their eyes was a beautiful sight. Everyone loved their presents and loved their family. It was the perfect day to lounge around in our Christmas pajamas and watch movies, which is exactly what we did. No one plans to be away from their family on Christmas, but it’s just one Christmas out of all the others ahead of you. It’s worth it. 
-Cassie S.

More Pictures from 12 Days of Christmas Activites

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Trust Pond House Activity - 12/12/2012

Only a short ride from the facility lies what seems an oasis among the hills of Utah. Down in a valley sits a quaint little house with a pond right outside and a stable not far beyond that. Inside the house are pictures of wedding photos that reflect the light that peaks through the translucent curtains. As I and the rest of trust family sit down to enjoy a movie, a few of us are allowed to go for a walk. As we head over a small bridge that leads to an island we look over and see the trout enjoying the bugs that float along the surface of the water. We take our time enjoying the day and talking about how great it is to be down here. After about fifteen minutes or so we head down to the stables where the horses await. Our staff takes one of the horses out of its stall and brings it to a circular pen for us to ride. Everyone takes turns going around in circles on the horses back. The horse gets fed some alfalfa and we head on our way. Right on the other side of the stable a chicken coop awaits us.  I find it quite amusing and a familiarity from home. I tell the group some fun facts about chickens. The final stop on our walk is a skipping contest back at the lake. The flat rock we picked up along the way back allow for the worlds finest skipping stones. After a winner is decided we head back into the house. Just in time to finish the last fifteen minutes of the movie.
 -Noah Y.

Graduation - 12/14/2012

Graduation was an amazing day with numerous emotions going back and forth from bad to good. It is a day that sums up and recognizes individuals that have spent an entire year or more devoted to becoming better people. Being a spectator was both exciting and mournful because I have been in these people’s lives for nine months and we helped each other out through thick and thin every step of the way. It is sad to see there journey end here at the program, but very rewarding to know that they have just started the journey of life. 
Being in a program is one thing, and completing it is another. The year (or more) that the graduates spent here was a rollercoaster of ups and downs and it challenged their flaws and imperfections. Seeing each individual stand at the podium and pick up there certificate  gave me goose-bumps and made me and extremely proud friend and peer.
-Ryan B.

Youth Foundation had their 2012 graduation on Friday the 14th. It was a day for celebration and emotion as the graduates reunited with their families and said good bye to their friends.  The Youth Foundation girls’ choir sang some meaningful songs to wish the graduates good luck as they go forward into their lives, as well as some funny songs to get everyone in the Christmas mood. It was so amazing to see how far these graduates have come and how ready they are to start this new chapter in their lives. We all congratulate Nick L. Nicole G. Cara E. Amanda L. Cole F.  Carlos T. for how much they have accomplished in such a short time and how much they have turned their lives around. They came to Youth Foundation as angry lost people trying to find their way, and they grew into beautiful, butterflies that are ready to spread their wings and fly.  We all wish them the best and as the choir sung we ask them to “Take their candles and go light their worlds.”  We will miss the graduates but they are now ready to start their lives and succeed. 
   -Sara G.

Climbing Wall 12/10/12

On the 10th of December my group was called down to the softball field for an activity. Thinking that it was another trip to the field to play a fun game of softball, Courage group walked down the block surprised to see a 25 foot wall that had people scaling up it and smoothly gliding down. We were extremely excited to see something new and curious that we had long taken the pleasure to participate in. The National Guard was there with a few men and they were the people who brought the rock wall for us to use. A few of the students were interested in joining the guard, so the Recruiter thought it would be a good idea to bring it so that we could let go of some of our energy. The most exciting part was that we turned it into a competition. The top two fastest times to climb the wall won a National Guard T-Shirt. I did not win, but had a great time participating in this activity. 
 -Ryan B.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Boys Boxing Tournament - 12/01/2012

Youth Foundation Boys Boxing Team

One of the supervisors of Youth Foundations, Mr. Jade, has put together a boys and girls boxing team. He trains them weekly on how to maintain control, with speed, straight punches, dodging, etc. This weekend, December 1st, 2012, the boys boxing team went to St. George Martial Arts Center for the boxing tournament. Some students of the treatment center and boarding school came along to cheer them on and support. Almost all of our boys won their matches and won trophies as well. Nick. L, Cole. F, Dustin. F, Luis, Ryan. B and Todd. B is all a part of the team. Luis showed to be the fight of the night! Everyone screamed for him as he literally was jumping and leaping around the ring, throwing fast blows and quick dodges. We all cheered for Todd as he got really intense in the match against his opponent. His energy was high before, during and even after the match. Great boxing, Todd. During the intermission a national boxing champion of 7 years came to perform a Samoan fire dance with other members playing the drums. The fire dance consisted of a large stick lit with fire on each end that was spun, flipped and tossed around to the beat of the drums. After all of the Youth Foundations boxing team had finished their matches, we passed around candy to each other and ate while watching the rest of the tournament. Mr. Jade is the coach of the team and I don’t think he could be any more proud of the team for all of their hard work and commitment.
 -Megan S.
On Saturday night there was a local boxing match in Saint George. Youth Foundation's boxing team, which includes six members, piled in the school van to make the thirty minute drive to the mixed martial arts gym. With nervs racking and tension increasing, we all entered the gym with anticipation and excitment. Each of us had a fight lined up for us, and sat amoung the other 150 spectators while waiting for our turn in the ring. As fight number seven approached, I became more and more anxious. I got my hands wrapped and started to warm up when they called my name to the ring. Considering it was my first time fighting, there were huge butterflies in my stomach that felt more like cement blocks. After my fight, I was extremely proud of myself to gain the courage to get into the ring in the first place. The whole team was proud of each other and all of the hard work that we put into getting to that point in our boxing. It was a job well done.
-Ryan B.